I created a variant of the popular unblockable popup that fades into the page instead of flying in from the top of the page.
6379 days old | Direct Link
Coz I can't find it
I like the popup with the "geek" more ... Can I also grab that code?
I'll work on getting it on the site this weekend. Check back...
That would be great, I saw it and I was really impressed... Please fix it asap, because it's HOT on my website. Thanks!!
The hide function doesn't seem to work for all visitors. In our office we have several IE7 systems where the never ends up in a differnt z-Level - but never actually totally fades away. On other systems (same patch level of IE7) it works.
I looked at the Fade() function and I noticed TWO things:
1. when amt reaches 0, it would best best to set visibility to "hidden" so that the rollover doesn't display the ALT text.
2. I fail to see WHEN the fade() iterations ever end. It seems that there is NO condition in place where the SetTimeout is NOT executed - even if amt has reached 0.
I adjusted the code to address both these issues:
function fade(amt) { if((t == 100 && amt <= t) || (t == 0 && amt >= t)) setFade(amt);
if(amt == t && t==0) { moveUp(-1); // Hide DIV after faded out and stop interval var obj; if (document.layers) obj = document.layers.fa; else if (document.all) obj = document.all.fa; else if (document.getElementById) obj = document.getElementById("fa"); obj.style.visibility="hidden";
return; } amt += (t > 0)? 10:-10; if(timer!=null) clearInterval(timer); timer = setTimeout("fade("+amt+")", 20); }
I'll work this fix into the code ASAP!
I've created a new version of both fade ads. This version is more simplified and I hope more cross-browser compatible. Please download the new version(s) and let me know if they work ok or not.
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